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A MOOC By Any Other Name

Hello ENGL613 classmates! Alex asked me, as a makeup assignment, to write a blog post reflection on last week's class. Here it is! So I thought we had some really interesting discussion on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs, as many of us in class learned for the first time😛), and their advantages and disadvantages. It seemed we thought Aaron Bady's "The MOOC Moment and the End of Reform" was a little bit tech-panicky, but overall agreed that, ideally, these courses would not replace in-person education. We see them as a useful supplement to in-person education or even a way to do a flipped classroom. We also agreed that as a solution to economic inequality/unequal access to education, MOOCs cannot be dismissed as an option, and ultimately do seem to be beneficial. I find myself stuck on Bady's assertion, "If I have one overarching takeaway point in this article, it's that there is almost nothing new about the kind of online education that the wor...

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